Courses / Kurse

Applied Translation (DE – EN – DE)

I have taught this course or parts of it at


The aim of the course is to prepare you to become a reflective practitioner of translation into English or German, and to develop increasingly sophisticated strategies to that end. The emphasis is less on further rule-based foreign-language acquisition than on building critical appreciation and evaluation of contextually and functionally appropriate translation of a range of source texts. You will increase your overall competence as a translator both through regular and varied translation assignments, and through formal reflection on your own practice and that of others in the group.


This is a practical unit requiring you to translate a range of different texts between German and English. You are required to submit a number of practice translations and to participate in group discussion and feedback. As part of the translation exercise, you analyse the source text and its anticipated readership and consider different translation strategies and solutions.

You will also develop your competence in editing and revising translated texts. You complete two translations for formal assessment, each with an initial analysis and annotations explaining your translation strategy. You also submit a log reflecting on your learning and experience in the unit.

I look forward to hearing from you if you would like me to teach

Applied Translation

at your institution.