Heimat und Fremdheit in Urlaubsfilmen

Heimat und Fremdheit in Urlaubsfilmen

Wie hängen Heimat und Horizont, Ferne und Fremde, Selbstfindung und überraschende Begegnung zusammen? Damit diese großen Fragen nicht zu abstrakt werden, habe ich sie im Rahmen der vom Kulturwissenschaftlichen Institut (KWI) veranstaltete Reihe Cinescience in Essen am...
BBC: Ernst Jünger at the Somme

BBC: Ernst Jünger at the Somme

Thousands of men dying for a few metres of land: the Battle of the Somme was one of the most grueling parts of World War I. For Ernst Jünger, it marked one of the key moments in the emergence of modern warfare. Men mattered less and less; war and work became always...
Boyhood: Friendship in Movies

Boyhood: Friendship in Movies

I’ve just seen a wonderful, unique example of friendship in movies. So here’s to you, my friend; it makes me happy to think you’re out there somewhere. When I think of the good times, I think of the conversations we’ve had. When I think of how...
King Ludwig II and David Siegel building Versailles

King Ludwig II and David Siegel building Versailles

On two consecutive nights during the holidays, I watched two films that turned out to be like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde in addressing two sides of human ambition, erudition (or lack thereof), creation – and looking at Versailles. Bavarian King Ludwig II and David Siegel...