Dichterbriefe – wie man mit Freunden über Gedichte spricht

Dichterbriefe – wie man mit Freunden über Gedichte spricht

Vor anderthalb Jahren lud mich Anton G. Leitner ein, Dichterbriefe zu schreiben – jeden Monat einen Brief an einen Freund, dessen Lyrikband ich gerade gelesen habe. Das hat mich schon deshalb gereizt, weil meine Antwort auf die Klage, kein Mensch lese mehr Gedichte,...
Translating contemporary German poetry: Matthias Politycki

Translating contemporary German poetry: Matthias Politycki

Is it possible to translate a funny German poem into English? Is it possible to express grief and loneliness with the same degree of subtlety in several languages? Does it help to talk to the author when translating a poem? These were some of the questions addressed...

Matthias Politycki in Oxford

One of Germany’s best-selling novelists and most inspiring poets finds himself at the centre of a very particular kind of creative enquiry: Matthias Politycki will return to England in the first week of May 2016 to be translated — by students and scholars...

Matthias Politycki Translation Project

Matthias Politycki — best-selling German novelist, dedicated Marathon runner, and crazily inventive poet — will come to Bristol in the first week of May 2016 to talk writing, translating, and drink. Yes, drink. Politycki is the author of London für Helden...