For the UK, it’s deal or no-deal. But other European countries talk about the options for Britain’s withdrawal from the EU in different terms. The divergence in terminology indicates that attitudes to Brexit as well as the European project more generally are also...
National newspapers in the UK and Germany have published three open letters with ideas about the future relationship between the two countries. They are remarkably different in both substance and style, and the little words are more revealing than the big ones. So...
Wie hängen Heimat und Horizont, Ferne und Fremde, Selbstfindung und überraschende Begegnung zusammen? Damit diese großen Fragen nicht zu abstrakt werden, habe ich sie im Rahmen der vom Kulturwissenschaftlichen Institut (KWI) veranstaltete Reihe Cinescience in Essen am...
In September 2018 I published a German book presenting 111 reasons to love England, called 111 Gründe, England zu lieben. Here are 5 things that people have been asking me ever since about my love for England. 1: “Is it about England or Britain?” I appreciate that...
Die Zeit zwischen den Jahren ist bestens dazu geeignet, sich große Fragen zu stellen und sich mit Themen zu beschäftigen, die in der Alltagshektik oft zu kurz kommen — Zeit also für meine Buchempfehlungen 2018. Denn einerseits will sicher so Mancher selbst mal...
Christmas Away-message ideas are in short supply, and Christmas away-messages can be very boring, so I’ve decided — prompted by my wonderful assistant! — to write a couple of messages that are slightly more entertaining (I hope!). They are tailored...